When viewing your payments made to Bright Ideas, you will notice different reasons listed for different classes. Here is a list of payment codes you may see and what they mean:
- Course Fee:
This payment is for a paid course where participants earned PDH or CEU hours, both of which were included in the course price. - Unlocked Opt-in Form for ASHA CEU Registry:
This payment is for a free course that offered free PDH hours; however, a fee was assessed by Bright Ideas to unlock the ability for you to complete additional steps for Bright Ideas to send your participation to the ASHA registry. This fee does not guarantee submittal to the registry. You must complete all opt in steps for every course you take in order for Bright Ideas to send your participation to ASHA; however, this fee unlocks that feature for you to opt in. If you have questions about opt in steps, check the course details or email us at hello@bethebrightest.com prior to the opt in deadline.